Title Sherlock: Season One Binding 4k Year 0000-00-00 Director EAN 0883929649020 Description Sherlock (TV Series) Mr. Sherlock Holmes an intense investigative genius lives in contemporary London. He is consulted by the Metropolitan Police Service when they need his help in solving baffling crimes. He has access to a pathology lab where he s ably served by an assistant named Molly. Sherlock s skills lie in his ability to notice minute details others might miss and to see their inner connections. His flatmate is Dr. John Watson a veteran recently returned from Afghanistan. Watson though highly intelligent is always a step behind Sherlock whom he admires greatly. He documents Sherlock s fascinating cases on his blog. Despite his many successes Sherlock has detractors as well as admirers. He also has a sadistic twisted nemesis by the name of Jim Moriarity. Sherlock: Season 1 (4K Ultra HD) UPC 883929649020